Thursday 7 January 2010


Today I was given a completly new task! Becky told me that they intend to redesign the old Geronimo website and that they needed my help with the icons that were going to be on it. I was shown the designs that they had already created, but were unhappy with, then was told to either work on the old ones or create completly new ones. Initially I worked on the old ones, but then decided to try a few of my own! It was a really exciting brief and I am still busy working on it!

Instead of aiming to rework icons that are recognised and used worldwide, I have come up with a completly new idea. I knew that if I was redesigning old ones I could spend weeks an weeks on them, then decide that the origional ones werebetter! I have not shown her my idea yet, but here are my drawings so far.

I have not decided whether to use the top or bottom of the pens yet, but the idea behind them was to use different types of pen to represent each title. As pens can be broken down into many different categories and types, so more can be added if needs be, also it is a subject matter that relates to all jobs roles at Geronimo.

I then tried using the pen that was drawn to redraw the images...

These need some more work on so I will carry on with the project in the morning!

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