Thursday 9 April 2009

Some pages from my sketch book.

POW WOW Logo Ideas

My Last Day

It's my last day today which is a bit of a shame as I'm jut getting settled in and getting to know everyone better now. However I have been offered to come back next week so if I get my college stuff done ill be back!

I've been working on the Pow Wow logo again and the Kiwi banner. I've been quite tired so I've been a bit slow. 

It's been great coming here, I didn't really know what to expect when I first came because it's my first placement but it's been amazing! I've been treated like just one of them and not like a work placement dude. Everyone is great and chilled and just has fun while working (I can hear Magical Trevor in the background now!) It's good to know I can pretty much be a kid all my life in this industry :) So if your reading this I do recommend this place it's great!

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Egg Animation Online

What's Superman getting up to eh?


Ive been working on the 'Pow Wow' logo today, found an interesting image of superman to put in possibly! Also went into a brief for KIWI. They want a banner based on some data they have provided. Unfortunately the data was a bit messy and makes them look terrible so it has to be phrased pretty well lol.
A few initial ideas have just been passed over so im going to progress them further on Indesign!

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Elmo Elvis!

Geronimos newest member!

Today! Tuesday..

Just went into another brief, this one was a presentation of work that was sent yesterday to the free lancers. They have come up with loads man, there only sketches atm but still. They were quite neat and tidy sketches which is interesting to see how they present their ideas!

Monday 6 April 2009

Day 5 Monday

Sat in on a few briefs today, was quite interesting to see how it all gets done. Was quite a laugh as well. Also had a chat with a few people to see how the process of work gets done.
I tried uploading the easter animation but it's taken about an hour and hasn't moved! I'll try again later.

Studio Photos

Friday 3 April 2009

End of day 4

I've been working on the egg animation all day, its been pretty cool, I've had to brighten up the colours of the chicks and the lettering as it didn't show up too much. Had a good lunch, had a few pints again :) Jolly good show!

I've just got to make a border/ background for the animation so it can be sent out on monday.

Time to go home now!

End of day 3, beginning of day 4

Re started the easter animation yesterday and finished it this morning. It looks a lot better although I was ment to make one crack and hatch first which is very hard to see. The finishing one is very clear because there's a message coming out of it.

We had a meeting with Bex about the new Direct Line logos. It was interesting to listen to what she said because she's able to put visual into words and she makes a lot of sense our of it. My Ideas were pretty rubbish compared to everyone else's although appear to be on the right lines, so i've just got to improve today.

Thursday 2 April 2009

New stamps

These are some rough sketches I done on Illustrator for the new design. There quite basic and I tried to keep the stamp feel. I hate the bottom one but put it in anyway.

Original Direct Line stamp

This is the original stamp for advertising that Direct Line isn't on price comparison websites. The problem with it is that it's not clear to read as there's a break in between the sentence and it curves round too much.

Day 3

It's day 3 and we've just talked about the Direct Line stamp. There was some cool stuff from Adrian and Tasha, a lot different than the original and a lot more than what I produced lol. Now that we've decided on a few we're applying them to existing adverts to see how they fit on as a whole.

I'm going to redo the easter egg animation as it's not great in my opinion and I'm going to draw all the cracks with a brown pen instead of a black. It should flow a lot better this time! :)

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Near the end of day 2. I've been working on Direct Line's Stamp mostly but not much to show for it. The computer crashed and I lost my work, SAVE REGULARLY is what i have learnt today. Luckily I didn't loose all of it and can catch up in the morning tomorrow.

I've also been working on how I'm going to finish this easter egg animation. It has to have a happy easter message coming out of it so I've been looking up paper origami. I haven't found much yet but i'll keep looking. Hopefully I will be able to make something that folds out into a message.

Tea count: 0

Day 2

I was absolutely dreading getting up at 8 today, but it actually wasn't too bad. It feels like 3 in the afternoon and it's only 11:30!
I've been plying around with the Direct line stamp this morning. I haven't done much work like this in the past but it's fairly fun and quite exiting knowing I'm actually doing some real work, not that I'm expecting any of my stuff to get used but it's still cool.